Laser Treatment for Warts
Warts occur on people of all ages but most commonly are seen in children and teenagers. They are a source of pain and discomfort and a cosmetic concern as well. The good news is that at least 50% will resolve themselves within two years. The bad news is that untreated warts can spread, and those that do not disappear on their own are often difficult to treat and commonly reoccur.
In the past treatments have been done by either physical or chemical destruction of the growth. Physical means to remove warts include freezing, burning, scraping, or surgically excising the lesion, while chemical would include a number of prescription and over-the-counter remedies.
Subjecting warts to laser radiation has been shown to demonstrate clearing of them in most cases.
With the versatility of the Candela Gentle Max Pro laser, they can be very effectively treated in typically 1 or 2 sessions. The treatments are quick and there are no side effects or downtime. Multiple warts can be treated at the same session.