Cellulite Reduction


Safely, effectively remove excess fat with minimal recovery time for a leaner look.


ZWave Cellulite Reduction
Radial pulse therapy designed to reduce the appearance of cellulite

What you’ll get:
Visible results for abdomen, legs, and buttocks – ZWave uses powerful sound waves transmitted into your tissue in order to treat cellulite. Radial pulse energy is delivered via an electromagnetic applicator and spreads out through your tissue for an enhanced effect.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Is this treatment painful?
Not at all. Many patients compare this treatment to the sensation of a gentle massage.

How quickly will I see results?
You may begin to notice obvious changes in as few as 2-3 sessions. Your skin will become noticeably firmer and smoother. A full course of treatment is typically about 6-10 ZWave treatments.

Are results long-lasting?
You can maximize your results through regular follow-up/refresher sessions as well as supplementing them with exercise and a balanced diet.